Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Rice Pudding

September 7, 2013

Tonsillectomy & Adenoidectomy

Wolfsons Children's Hospital
Jacksonville, FL

August 2004

Almost 400,000 children have their tonsils and adenoids removed each year in the United States. In 2004, Kellisa would be included in that number. This would be Kellisa's 14th surgery. {Read More}

Relentless Defender

My plan was to write a story about Kellisa's 14th surgery, but events at Kellisa's school will bump that entry back a day or two. Kellisa is in an ESE classroom and it can be "challenging" {Read More}

Bilateral VDRO and Removal

Jacksonville, FL

September 2003 - January 2005 - February 2006 - February 2011

Kellisa was a little beyond her 4th birthday when she had her 13th surgery. Heading into her first surgery on her hips, Kellisa already had seven brain (including two for an infected shunt), one heart, {Read More}

Gastrostomy Tube (G- Tube)

Jacksonville, FL 

June 2003 - July 2003 - July 2011 - August 2011

Kellisa struggled with several issues that led to the placement of her first G-tube. Kellisa was having trouble drinking; liquids would just drool out of her mouth. Kellisa would get tired of chewing and couldn't process chewy or tough foods, so it was hard to {Read More}